Opinions, opinions everywhere,
I wonder though how many fair?
Wonder who decides who is right,
Is their own future shiningly bright?
On the roads, there isn’t a single person in sight,
Each time one steps out, the cops show off their might;
Consigned to our homes we all are,
With little hope of going very far;
Each day I do the chores, there’s a muscle tear,
Cribbing, wailing and sobbing, I sit on the chair;
Waiting, waiting and some more waiting they say,
The calendar dates moving further away;
This time, they say is for looking inward and contemplation,
Could one expect such good from social isolation?
I look out of the window and notice the birds chirping with glee,
Would schools begin to admit children without a fee?
As the city suffers resource sparsity,
I notice around me, kindness and compassion in scarcity;
With each passing day, we near our grave,
In the meantime, how many lives can we save?